December 27, 2010

BT 2010&2011

2011년 6월, 성장둔화와 유동성축소

November 13, 2010

M프로젝트 (일정변경)

[기타 일정 예정]
주식명의개서 정지공고일 2010년 12월 03일

주주총회 소집통지서 발송 및 소집 공고 2010년 12월 27일
구주권 제출 공고일 2011년 02월 16일
구주권 제출기간 2011년 02월 24일~2011년 03월 24일
매매거래정지기간 2011년 03월 23일~2011년 04월 08일
변경상장 (예정일) 2011년 04월 11일
재상장 (예정일) 2011년 04월말

분할신주에 대한 이익배당 기산일은 2011년 3월 25일

November 04, 2010

회사 PC 네로6 오버버닝

◆ 네로에서 오버버닝 하는법 ◆

1. [설정] 선택.

2. [일반] 에서
1) 황색 마커 - 79:59:0 (분:초:프레임)
2) 적색 마커 - 90:59:0 (분:초:프레임) 으로 설정 변경
황색 표시줄 - 오버버닝 없이 구울수 있는 용량 표시
적색 표시줄 - 오버버닝으로 구울수 있는 용량 표시

3. 기본설정 창에서 고급 기능 에서
1) 디스크 동시 쓰기 '오버버닝 기록 사용 가능' 선택

2) CD 최대 길이 : 90 분 59 초 0 프레임 으로 설정 변경

4. [멀티세션] : '멀티세션이 아님'
[굽기] : '시뮬레이션 체크' 없앰
[쓰기 방법] : '디스크 동시 쓰기' (*매우 중요..매번 바꿈)
* 요건 굽기직전에 기타 설정을 클릭하면 설정 가능

October 28, 2010

October 25, 2010


한번에 보는 자본시장통계와 자료실(신용공여, 대차거래) 등이 흥미로움

October 24, 2010

What does NV stand for in Delphis N.V.?

Naamloze vennootschap

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, search

The phrase literally means "innominate partnership" or "anonymous venture" and comes from the fact that the partners (the shareholders) are not directly known. This is in contrast to the term for a private limited company, which is called Besloten Vennootschap (an "exclusive" or "closed partnership", one in which stock is not for sale on open markets).

The Naamloze Vennootschap is a legal entity in The Netherlands, Belgium, Aruba, Suriname, The Netherlands Antilles, and Indonesia, although in Indonesia the Indonesian translation Perseroan Terbatas (PT) is more commonly used.

See Also

October 22, 2010

내폰 동영상 인코딩 옵션 참조

단말기에서 지원하는 포맷의 동영상을 우리가 사용해야 하는 것이죠...

- 비디오 확장자 : avi (Xvid+mp3, Xvid+AAC), mp4, 3gp, asf, wmv, skm
- 비디오 코덱
MPEG4 SP - 최대HD(1280x720) @24fps, 8M bps 이하
MPEG4 ASP - D1(720x480) @30fps
H.264 BP @L3.0: 최대HD(1280x720) @24fps, 2M bps 이하
WMV9 - QVGA (320x240) @30fps

- 자막 파일은 smi 확장자만 지원하며, 동영상 파일과 동일한 이름을 가져야 합니다.
- 파일 크기가 2GB 이상인 동영상은 재생되지 않습니다.

October 19, 2010

October 18, 2010


실시간 국내외 금리, 주요 환율동향, 채권 금리 등 CHK



- 주식명의개서 정지공고일 : 2010년 11월 19일
- 주주총회 소집통지서 발송 및 소집 공고 : 2010년 12월 14일
- 구주권 제출 공고일 : 2011년 01월 21일
- 구주권 제출기간 : 2011년 01월 28일~2011년 02월 28일
- 매매거래정지기간 : 2011년 02월 27일~2011년 03월 16일
- 변경상장(예정일) : 2011년 03월 17일
- 재상장(예정일) : 2011년 03월 31일

분할기일은 2011년 3월 1일로 한다
구주권제출기간(시작일) : 2011-01-28
구주권제출기간(종료일) : 2011-02-28
매매거래정지예정기간(시작일) : 2011-02-27
매매거래정지예정기간(종료일) : 2011-03-16
신주권교부예정일 : 2011-03-16
신주의 상장예정일 : 2011-03-17

October 07, 2010


real time - Baltic Dry Index

October 03, 2010

BALTIC DRY INDEX Summary - Bloomberg

BALTIC DRY INDEX Summary - Bloomberg

October 02, 2010

라디오 야구중계 채널 주파수

KBS 2라디오 (HAPPY FM) : 603 KHz / 106.1MHz

SBS 라디오 (LOVE FM): 792KHz / 103.5MHz

WBS 원음방송 : 서울,수도권 89.7 MHz

September 30, 2010

파워포인트2007 슬라이드 번호 삽입 안될때!!

Q. 마스터에서 바닥글만 나오고 슬라이드 번호 삽입이 안되네요.
바닥글에다가 <#> 해도 안되고
슬라이드로 나가서 슬라이드번호 삽입 누르면 무반응 @.@ 어뜨카나요??

A. 삽입이 안되는 것이 아니라
기존 작성자가 마스터(슬라이드)에서 인위적으로 삭제한 경우일 것입니다.
이런 경우는 새글을 여신 후 슬라이드 마스터에 가셔서 번호 영역 부분을 복사하신다음
해당 파일에 붙여넣기 해주시면 될것입니다.

September 29, 2010

어지러운 시기의 또 하나의 지혜 - 종침교

서울琮沈橋의 來歷

지금은 없지만 얼마전까지도 서울 사직동(社稷洞)가는데 종침교(琮沈橋)라는 돌다리가 있었다. 지금도 여전히 다리는없지만 그 근처를 종침교다리라고 구명을 부르는 사람이 있다. 이다리가 종침교(琮沈橋)라는 이름을 갖게된것은 리조 성종(成宗)대왕 때 허종(許從)이라는분이 말을 타고 오다가 이 다리에서 떠러진 일이 있어 그런 이름이 붙게된것이다.
성종(成宗)이 즉위하신지 얼마안되여 왕비 한씨(韓氏)께서 도라갔다. 그래서 후궁윤씨(尹氏)가 원자 연산군(燕山君)을 탄생했으므로 윤씨를 책립해서 왕비를 삼었다.
그러나 윤씨는 덕이 박해 질투심이 깊고 후궁 내인들을 미워해 왕의 앞에서도 여러 가지 어질지 못한 일을 저지르매 왕께서는 크게 노하시며 윤비를 내치시는 동시에 죽엄을 명하시기 위해 제신을 모으고 이를 외론하시였다.
성종의 노하심이 극하신데다가 원체윤비가 부덕함을 아는 여러 신하는 거의 다 임군외전에? 찬둥하게 되었다.
그런데 당시 령의정(領議政)으로 있든 허종 어른도 그 회의에 참례하기 위해 대궐로 드러가는 도중에 잠간 그 누님의 집에를 들렸다. 누님은 허공을 보고
「민가의 종이 주인의 명령이라고 주인 부인을 죽이면 후일 그 아들이 자라 다시 그 아들을 섬길 때 그 아들이 자기 어머니를 죽인 종을 가만이 둘리가 있겠소」
하고 충고했다. 그말을 듣고 허공은 깨다라 누님의 집을 나와가지고 돌다리를 건너가다가 일부러 말에서 떠러저 발을 다쳤다. 그리해 이것을 리유로 그 회의에 빠지었다.
그뒤 성종이 귀천하시고 연산군이 왕위에 올렸다. 연산은 처음부터 늘 그 모비의 도라감을 원퉁이 생각고 있든 판이라 왕위에 오르자 그당시 폐비회의에 참석했든 사람을 모두 죽여 버렸다. 그래서 당시 충신들도 모두 해를 입었다.
그러나 허종어른만은 참례치 아니했든 까닭에 화를 면했다.
그래 뒤 사람들이 허공이 락마한 다리를 허종이 빠진다리라고해서 종침교라고 불렀다.

September 27, 2010


해양수산부> 동향분석> 통계> 일일 및 주간 통계참고

익스플로러 인쇄할때 가로 안 잘리게

프로그램 설치후 > 도구모음 > 사용자 지정 > 명령 추가 또는 제거

도구모음에 프린터모양 아이콘이 추가됨 (fit width print)

* 링크로 다운로드 불가시 ie_print_setup.exe 검색해서 백도어 추가 요망

영어 약어사전

찾아보면 기대 이상 흥미롬

Abbreviation, Acronym, Initial (usually after names)

September 23, 2010


JetStream P8 & R8

September 08, 2010

통신사 와이파이 비밀번호

1. KT 와이파이 비밀번호

KT SSID , KT_WLAN : 1234567890 , 123456789a , 1234567890c

KT QOOK AP : 1234567890

2. SKT 와이파이 비밀번호

T spot(SK): sktelecom

SK : a123456789

SO070VOIP : 534f4b4354

Tbroadnet : a123456789

3. LGT(U+) 와이파이 비밀번호

myLGnet, myLG070 : 123456789a , 987654321a ,1234567890 , myLGNetfe07

U+100 : 단말기 시리얼번호

(보안이 강화된 형태... 그래도 별도 비용 없이 무선 100mb는 대박)

4. Hellow D 와이파이 비밀번호

HellowD (헬로우디) : 534f4b4354
Hellowireless : 534f4b4354

택시 와이브로(와이파이) 비밀번호

1. 에그 택시 와이브로(와이파이) 비밀번호

KWI-BxxxxT(택시) : SHOW3382 (대문자 주의)

기타 (편의점, 커피숍 등) 와이파이 비밀번호

1. 맥도날드 와이파이 비밀번호 : 16005252 (매장 배달 번호)
2. 스타벅스 와이파이 비밀번호 : 매장별 전화번호 (영수증 참조)

September 07, 2010


이 세상에서 가장 고약한 감옥은 닫힌 마음이다. -교황 요한 바오로 2세-

나쁜남자 vs 카사노바

병법에 지피지기(知彼知己)면 백전백승(百戰百勝)이라고 했다. 상대가 원하는 것을 간파해서 입 안의 혀처럼 녹여준다면 마다할 사람이 있을까?

기록의 명수였던 카사노바가 남긴 어록에는 이른바 ‘카사노바의 법칙’이라고 불리는 게 있다. 그 내용을 살펴보면 고개가 저절로 끄떡여질만하다.
여성들을 위해 참고로 내용을 살펴보자.

1. 여자를 만나서 감사히 고개를 숙여라.
2. 여자가 말하면 노트에 적어라.
3. 여자에게 경어를 사용해라.
4. 여자가 데이트 중 화장실에 가면 돌아올 때까지 고개를 들지 마라.
5. 여자 앞에서 절대로 다른 여자 이야기를 하거나 길가에서 다른 여자를 쳐다보지 마라.
6. 여자에게 돈을 쓰게 하지 마라.
7. 여자에게 잔소리를 하지 마라.
8. 여자가 좋아하는 것은 여자 몰래 배워라.
9. 여자가 손을 원하면 손을 주고 발을 원하면 발을 주고 땀을 원하면 몸이 가루가 되게 봉사하라.
10. 여자가 죽으라면 죽는 시늉을 하라.
11. 여자와의 데이트를 마치 예배 보듯 하며 데이트를 마칠 때는 노래로 여자의 앞날을 찬양하라.
12. 여자의 지갑을 몰래 살펴보아 돈이 없으면 가득 채워주어라.
13. 비바람이나 눈보라가 쳐도 여자가 연락하면 그 즉시 달려가 여자의 불편 사항을 해결하라.
14. 만일 여자가 다른 사람을 만나면 그 남자와 잘되길 기도한다고 전화나 편지로 축하를 보내라.
15. 데이트가 끝나고 헤어질 땐 무릎을 꿇고 절을 하라.

구구절절 여자의 마음을 꿰뚫고 있지 않은가.

September 06, 2010

첫눈에 보고 사랑에 빠졌다는건
지금 니 얼굴이나 니 몸매가 맘에 든다는 말이거든
사랑은 그렇게 순간적으로 풍덩 빠지는게 아니야
그 사람을 알아보는거지

September 05, 2010

September 01, 2010

태양이 떠오르면 달려야 한다.
당신이 사자인지 가젤인지는 중요하지 않다.
다만 태양이 떠오르면 달려야 할 것이다.

August 14, 2010

August 01, 2010

Hahoe, Yangdong named U.N. World Heritage

Two historic villages in Korea were designated as UNESCO World Cultural Heritage sites on Saturday.Hahoe and Yangdong, both located in North Gyeongsang Province, are known for their notable cultural display of the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910), preserving its old tradition of nobility clans.The World Heritage Committee officially put the two villages on the UNESCO World Heritage List during its 34th convention meeting in Brasila, Brazil. Hahoe and Yangdong reflect “the distinctive aristocratic Confucian culture” of the dynasty, the Committee said on UNESCO’s website.

안드로이드폰 어플 지식 모음

first, best get some Adroid final pack material.

July 12, 2010

SKT Cyber Remote CTRL


July 02, 2010

June 29, 2010


June 17, 2010

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June 16, 2010

Sent off

ruled out / fouled out / walked out / ordered sb out of / withdrew

The Golden Rule

"In everything do to others as you would have them do to you; for this is the law and the prophets." Matthew 7:12

Dyslipidemia diagnosis

Save yourself....

They discrimanate nobody.

Could take away all your own.

May 17, 2010

The Asian Financial Crisis Goes West

The Asian Financial Crisis Goes West By PHILIP BOWRING(April 29, 2010) HONG KONG

— The Greek-led debt crisis in Europe is looking ominously similar to the East Asian crisis of 1997-1998, but the comparison also points to how it may eventually be resolved.

Sure, there are differences: The European crisis concerns developed countries while the Asian one devastated nations at varying levels of development — Thailand, South Korea and Indonesia in particular. In the Asian case, the debts were largely in the private sector. In Europe, public debts are the focus.

But key similarities remain. First, afflicted Asian countries were borrowing in foreign currency. Europeans argue that their case is different because most of the debt is in their own currency, the euro. But in practice, the euro is the currency of the rich, northern core of Europe led by Germany. Countries on the periphery joined for prestige and the benefits of low interest rates. Similarly in Asia, countries effectively pegged their currencies to the dollar, with the result that foreign banks came to see little risk in lending dollars to finance local assets.

The second similarity follows from the first. In Asia, so long as it was easy to borrow, no one bothered about whether the exchange rate was appropriate. Many Asian countries’ external deficits ballooned and local inflation rose, but countries like Japan, with surplus savings, kept lending.

In Europe, the influx of capital into fringe countries following the adoption of the euro raised growth rates, but also pushed up wages faster than productivity. These countries thus now find themselves in a crisis that, as in Asia, has two parts: debt and inappropriate exchange rates.

In Asia, exchange rates collapsed under the pressure of the market. That may not happen in Europe — but only if the core countries pay the price.

That price is rising because of the third similarity: contagion. The Asian collapses did not happen simultaneously. Six months separated the first — Thailand — from the Korean and Indonesian crises. Following Greece, conditions have tightened sharply for Portugal; Ireland’s austerity efforts may prove insufficient; and question marks are hovering over Spain.

In Asia, debts were mostly short-term bank loans, so the crisis hit fast. In Europe, the central issue is the rollover of medium-term bonds. so there is more time to address the problem — but also more time for the disease to spread.아시아에서,

When the Asian crisis was eventually resolved, foreign banks had to absorb huge losses. That was relatively easy for Asia because the debts were mostly owed by bankrupt private-sector companies. Europe has a bigger problem because the debt is mostly public.

But debt write-offs will eventually be part of the solution, given that the politics in democratic Europe make it unlikely that austerity can be sustained for long. The Asian crisis induced radical political change that Europe will avoid.

Then the issue will become whether debt reduction is achieved by a moratorium on the debt, or by afflicted countries leaving the euro. In the Asian case, devaluation, produced deep but short recession. Currencies stabilized at lower levels and restored competitiveness, enabling them to run trade surpluses.

Europe’s problems are bigger. The write-offs that Japanese and Western banks had to make on their Asian loans did not imperil them; European banks are still convalescing from the global financial crisis and are in a poor position to write off more billions. Europe’s trade is mostly with itself, while Asia’s was with a wider world, so export-led recovery will be more difficult.

Nonetheless, Europe and the I.M.F. would do well to remember from the Asian crisis that years of fundamental imbalances cannot be massaged out of existence. Knots must be cut.

March 03, 2010

[Exclusive] Korean Dropouts in US Head Home

A growing number of Korean students studying in the United States are returning home to attend domestic colleges and universities.

Many "returnees" say they come back because of their failure to fully prepare for their new surroundings, including U.S. schools' academic programs.

They add that there are a lot more on the "waiting lists," biding their time before returning home. However, these days they are having a hard time getting back into the Korean school system.

This news comes at a time when a greater number of students are heading for U.S. schools with some of them being accepted thanks to falsified documents created by paid consultants.

The number of transfer applicants from overseas universities at Dongguk University in Seoul was 25 in 2006 and 30 in 2007, but the figure has more than doubled this year to 72.

One of the hopefuls said "I had a hard time to adapt to school life (in the U.S.) after I finished my army service and it was very stressful."

Konkuk University has also seen a steady rise in transfer numbers. This year, the school had more than 100 applicants from those who quit studying abroad, up from 72 in 2008, 50 in 2007 and 45 in 2006.

Korea University had a total of 174 applicants, but only 16 students gained admission. The same trend was found at Yonsei University - 170 overseas transfer applicants in 2010 compared to 156 last year.

A student, a Hur, who studied at Ohio State University, said there were a huge number of Korean students trying to transfer to universities in their homeland, as she did. Another student, Kwon, who was at Michigan State, said she decided to come back to Korea due to financial difficulties.

"I spent $60,000 on yearly tuition and living costs there."

"I witnessed a lot of Korean students having difficulties in studying there as it is much easier to gain academic credits in Korea," she added.

Cho, who transferred from Pennsylvania State University to Sungkyunkwan University in Seoul, also said he saw many Korean friends who were forced to return to Korea due to their poor academic achievements.

Sungkyunkwan admitted 38 returning students out of a total of 528 applicants, while Ewha Womans University accepted nine out of 307.

Another transfer student, Min, said "Korean employers prefer graduates from domestic universities to those from overseas schools, although my previous school is well-known there."

According to a paper in 2008 by Samuel S. Kim at Columbia University, 56 percent of Korean students at prestigious American universities gained degrees, while the rest gave up their studies halfway through.

The dropout rate was much higher than the 34 percent for American, 25 percent for Chinese and 21 percent for Indian students.

Kim tracked 1,400 Korean students at 14 top American universities between 1985 and 2007 for the paper.

A counselor from a foreign school here said "Korean parents tend to push ahead with their children to gain admission at top American schools but this is not necessarily good for them."

"The best university is where their children can land well and gain academic accomplishments," he added.

"A lot of Korean students who chose overseas schools based on their reputation fail. Korean media need to report more on this dark side of studying abroad," said Kim Hyun-jin, an education professor at Kookmin University in Seoul.

February 17, 2010

Cause of King Tutankhamun's death unveiled

Egypt's most famous pharaoh, King Tutankhamun, was a frail boy who suffered from a cleft palate and club foot. He died of complications from a broken leg exacerbated by malaria and his parents were most likely brother and sister, according to The Associated Press.
Two years of DNA testing and CT scans on Tut's 3,300-year-old mummy and 15 others are helping end many of the myths surrounding the boy king. While a comparatively minor ruler, he has captivated the public since the 1922 discovery of his tomb, which was filled with a stunning array of jewels and artifacts, including a golden funeral mask.
The study, which will be published Wednesday in the Journal of the American Medical Association, provides the firmest family tree yet for Tut. The tests pointed to Pharaoh Akhenaten, who tried to revolutionize ancient Egyptian religion to worship one god, as Tut's father. His mother was one of Akhenaten's sisters, it said.
Tut, who became pharaoh at age 10 in 1333 B.C., ruled for just nine years at a pivotal time in Egypt's history. Speculation has long swirled over his death at 19. A hole in his skull fueled speculation he was murdered, until a 2005 CT scan ruled that out, finding the hole was likely from the mummification process. The scan also uncovered the broken leg.
The newest tests paint a picture of a pharaoh whose immune system was likely weakened by congenital diseases. His death came from complications from the broken leg _ along with a new discovery: severe brain malaria.
The team said it found DNA of the malaria parasite in several of the mummies, some of the oldest ever isolated.
''A sudden leg fracture possibly introduced by a fall might have resulted in a life threatening condition when a malaria infection occurred,'' the JAMA article said.
''Tutankhamun had multiple disorders... He might be envisioned as a young but frail king who needed canes to walk,'' it said.
The revelations are in stark contrast to the popular image of a graceful boy-king as portrayed by the dazzling funerary artifacts in his tomb that later introduced much of the world to the glory of ancient Egypt.
They also highlighted the role genetics play in some diseases.
The members of the 18th dynasty were closely inbred and the DNA studies found several genetic disorders in the mummies tested such as scoliosis, curvature of the spine, and club feet.
Like his father, Tutankhamun had a cleft palate. Like his grandfather, he had a club foot and suffered from Kohler's disease which inhibits the supply of blood to the bones of the foot.
In Tut's case it was slowly destroying the bones in his left foot _ an often painful condition, the study said. It noted that 130 walking sticks and canes were discovered in Tut's tomb, some of them appeared to have been used.