Economy (Employment)
Clearly the report on jobs sparked today's extraordinary rally. It is the last comprehensive snapshot of the labor market that investors will get to see before the Fed's next meeting on interest rates. But while the headlines are reassuring, some of the details are not. Louise Schiavone reports from Washington.
The U.S. economy cranked out far fewer new jobs in August than economists anticipated. Even so, the jobless rate returned to a 29-year low of 4.2 percent, dipping one tenth of a percent from July. Overall job growth slowed, with business generating only 124,000 new non-farm payroll jobs, less than half the 338,000 jobs created in July. Average hourly earnings rose just two cents to $13.30, considerably less than the 10-cent hourly increase seen earlier in the summer. Although automobile manufacturing jobs were up significantly, there were job losses in other areas, such as aircraft, and apparel manufacturing and construction. But analysts don't expect any long-term downturn in manufacturing employment. The service sector, such as health care, computer services and finance, added 132,000 jobs. The August numbers have eased inflation fears for now. But some economists caution the slowdown may be just a seasonal quirk, leaving open the possibility of another rate hike.
spark v.t. <사람, 활동 등에> 활기를 불어넣다, 자극하다
rally n. (경기, 주가 등의) 회복, 반등
comprehensive adj. 범위가 넓은, 광범한; 포괄적인
snapshot 일시 적인 견해, 영향(influence), 효과
reassure v.t. <남을> 기운 나게 하다, (…에 관하여) 안심시키다
detail n. 세부, 세목, 항목
crank out 시끄럽게 (소리를) 내지르다. 기계적으로) 자꾸[척척] 만들어내다
anticipate v.t. …을 예상하다; …을 걱정 [기대] 하며 기다리다, 기대하다
jobless rate 실업률
dip v.i. 조금 [일시적으로] 감소하다
con·sid·er·a·bly〔〕 ad. 상당히, 꽤, 적지 않게
It’s considerably warmer this morning.
오늘 아침은 꽤 덥다. 《★ 동사를 수식하는 외에는 비교급을 수식함》
downturn n. (경기의) 하강, 침체
ease v.t. ...을 완화하다, 가볍게 하다; 남을 안심시키다
slowdown n. 속력을 늦춤, 감속, 침체
quirk n. 급한 커브 [꼬임]
hike n. (물가, 봉급 등의) 인상