They scream with a zeal reserved for cheerleaders at a pep rally. But they're not cheering for any particular team. They're learning to speak English. Meet Li Yang, inventor of a new method he calls "crazy English." He's taken learning English out of the classrooms. And on the road to auditoriums, to the doors of Beijing's forbidden city. And even to the Great Wall. "Many people cannot learn English well, even though they have spent a lot of time and energy studying many different textbooks, because they don't realize that English study is a sort of skill training." The skill is then developed by shouting out English words and phrases. Li claims his technique was born out of his low sense of self-esteem. He realized the only way to break through his shyness was to shout, a method that also succeeded in helping him remember the material he was studying. Li says his crazy teaching style has made English speakers out of about 14 million people across China. It's also made the 30-year-old entrepreneur a very rich man. But Li doesn't plan to stop there. He says he's now working on plans to teach Chinese, the crazy English way.
zeal n. 열심, 열의, 열정, 열중
reserve vt. 운명지어져 있다, <사람이> (…으로) 운명지어져 있다 (for…)
pep rally n. 기세를 올리기 위한 집회, 궐기대회
inventor n. 발명가, 창안 [고안] 자 auditorium n. 강당
Forbidden City n. (the ~) 자금성 (紫禁城) the Great Wall n. 만리 장성
claim v.t. ...을 주장하다 self-esteem n. 자존; 자부심, 자만
break through …을 깨뜨리다, 타파하다, <수줍음, 조심성 등을> 없애다, 잊게 하다
material n. 자료, 소재 entrepreneur n. 기업가; 사업주